PK Ong

Inspiring basketball and life!

What story do YOU tell yourself?

Perception Is Reality

Are you a kitty cat or a lion within?

Reality is only as real as we perceive it to be.

That is why people don’t always see things the same way and the same thing in different people’s eyes may appear entirely different.

I’m not talking about facts. Facts cannot be altered but reality can be. Reality is perception.

Example: You see a young man in his early 20s sitting in the priority seat (reserved for the elderly / pregnant women) of a bus with his eyes closed, oblivious to a pregnant lady standing in front of him. In your mind, you are thinking, this guy is utterly inconsiderate. 5 minutes later, you see him getting up to alight. You notice now that he is walking with an awkward limp. Then you realize he has a physical handicap, i.e. a prosthetic leg.

Did any FACT change in those short 5 minutes?

No, the fact that he is handicapped didn’t. But reality, or rather, your perception certainly did! Your initial perception that he was an inconsiderate person probably took a 360 degree turn. Did it not?

Using this simple example, you can perhaps now understand better that the story you tell yourself in your mind is truly what defines your reality.

Not only for external events that happen to you or around you, but more importantly, how you perceive yourself. Most people engage in ‘failure thinking’, knowingly or unknowingly.Some people have been told all their lives what losers or failures they are, and they come to believe that with time.

You believe the story that people tell you, even if it is not true. Many a time, well-meaning parents or friends may well be the same people who ‘trap’ you into this type of thinking.

“You can’t do this.” “This is too difficult for you.” “Why can’t you have better grades?” “Why can’t you be more like your older brother?”

Any of these sound familiar? Replace the ‘you’ with the ‘I’ and this is the story you tell yourself.

When you let others dominate your thoughts, you can be nothing more than a manifestation of their thoughts. Most people engage in failure thinking because it is always easier to fail than to succeed. For every person who succeeds in something, there will be tens or hundreds who fail.

Thomas Edison invented the incandescent light bulb, but did you know he tried 10,000 times before he succeeded in his invention? He said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Had he like others engaged in failure thinking after his many, many attempts that didn’t work, we could still be using candles to light up the night! You may not be even reading this from your iPhone or computer at all…

Dinner by candlelight, anyone?

Dinner by candlelight, anyone?

So, what story do YOU tell yourself? If your story is not what you want it to be, always remember you have the POWER to change it.

Your thoughts and actions made you whom you are today and if you want to change yourself, first start with the story you tell yourself.

Your daily actions and your daily thoughts from henceforth will make you whom you will be tomorrow and in the future.

All it takes is a DECISION! But most people go through their entire lives having never made that very decision they need to change their lives for the better. Are you going to be one of these people? Ask yourself that question and answer it honestly.

Have you ever had big dreams and goals that you want to pursue, but you are afraid you will not achieve them and hence do not get started at all? Are you unhappy with your life today, but you don’t think you have what it takes to change it for the better?

If your answer to one of the above is yes, TAKE ACTION today! Maybe I’ll start tomorrow… Why not today? It is only too late when you think it is so.

If you desire change in your life but have no idea how you can do it, feel free to get in touch with me and I’ll be happy to help.

3 comments on “What story do YOU tell yourself?

  1. joedalio
    February 21, 2013

    Thank you for the very inspirational words! It is so true that we can write the story the way we want it to go. The more we believe it as true, the more it plays out that way. Life is great as long as we see it that way : )

    • pengkiat
      February 22, 2013

      Indeed, Joe! Our thoughts and our actions define us. Thanks for your comments on my post!

  2. Christina
    February 21, 2013

    So true. It wud hv been a tragedy if Thomas Edison and all the other countless heroes had given up when they met with failure.Cant imagine now a world without the light bulb!

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